Employee in DOVISTA

In order to develop our company, we must develop and empower our employees. People make the difference and create good results, and both DOVISTA and our brands are constantly looking for skilled and ambitious employees to help us develop our business.

We strive to be an attractive workplace that offers good employment terms, exciting tasks, and a motivating and engaging working day. In addition, we want to be a workplace with social activities and an inspiring work environment which enable strong interrelations. We encourage and appreciate initiative, team spirit and the readiness to always go the extra mile for each other and our customers. We want to be a workplace that succeeds in attracting the most qualified people who want to be part of our community.

We are a team

When working for DOVISTA, you will be part of a group of brands that combine local insight with a global outlook. Our employees work towards the vision of becoming the genuine and leading solution provider of windows and doors in Europe, and the work of all our employees is rooted in an understanding of being a Model Company.

The essence of the Model Company is to work with products beneficial to society and treat customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders better than most other companies. A Model Company makes a profit that can finance growth and secure financial independence.

Our people

We do everything we can to attract new employees and to retain and develop the employees we have. The people working for us are capable and committed to our continued progress. We are approximately 6,000 employees, but it is important to us that each employee experiences a match between their personal and professional qualifications and the company’s present and future requirements.

We expect a good deal from our employees. In return, we offer jobs with an inspiring variety of challenges and responsibilities, good opportunities for personal development and individual influence on the scope of the job.

In all our brands, the keywords are responsibility, performance, and commitment. Our employees take responsibility for their work, and we take responsibility for our employees.

We reward performance, and commitment, and as a business, we care about the development and well-being of all our employees.

Freedom with responsibility is our motto, and it is important to us that our employees enjoy their working day and enjoy working with each other.

For jobs and vacancies with the individual brands in the DOVISTA Group
– please see the individual brand’s website.

Jobs and vacancies

Vacancies in the DOVISTA group are posted on LinkedIn